In order to keep our community safe, all activities have been carefully planned and adhere to social distancing guidelines and College protocols. Full details will be provided to those who sign-up to take part.


Monday 26 October

10am-12pm: Passing through the Main Building foyer? Collect a free, wrapped brownie from a member of the Community Week Team.

2.30pm-4pm: Learn how to make origami cranes with Mansfield’s Chaplain, Sarah Farrow, in the Old Hall. Places are limited in order to follow social distance guidelines, and registration is a must. Please sign up here.

If you are unable to join in person, you will still be able to take part by following Sarah’s ‘how to’ video, which will be available on Mansfield’s YouTube channel at the same time.


Tuesday 27 October

10am-12pm: Passing through the Main Building foyer? Collect a free, wrapped brownie from a member of the Community Week Team.

2.30pm-4.30pm: Pumpkin carving in the Quad marquees. Sign up here to take part, as spaces are limited in order to follow social distance guidelines. Registration is required.


Wednesday 28 October

9am: Mansfield’s first Giving Day starts. Over the next 36-hours, take part in challenges to help us raise money for Mansfield and our students. You’ll be able to watch the live donations come in on our online Giving Day platform. We will also have a screen up in the Hub (Main Building Foyer), throughout the Giving Day, showing the donations as they come in.

9am: Our first socially distanced challenge starts. Help us get around the Quad 1,886 times in 36-hours and help us raise money for Mansfield’s Giving Day. Check your Mansfield inbox for details of how to sign up.


Thursday 29 October

9am: Our 1,886 laps of the Quad continue, and our rowing challenge starts in the marquees. Check your Mansfield inbox to find details of how to take part in the Erg challenge and help us raise money for Mansfield’s Giving Day.

9pm: Giving Day and Community Week come to an end, with some words from the Principal and the reading of the Principal’s Poetry Challenge.


Online Activities

We know that not everyone will be able to join in with the activities and challenges in person. Therefore, there are plenty of opportunities to get involved with Community Week and Giving Day online too.

Principal’s Poetry Challenge

We are challenging Mansfield’s Principal to write a Mansfield poem in 36-hours, using words supplied by our community of students and staff. Share what Mansfield means to you in one word, by 5pm on Tuesday 27 October. Contribute your word here.

TikTok Challenge

We have asked one of our students to come up with a TikTok challenge for Community Week. Watch out for it being released and then take up the challenge!

Origami Cranes

If you are unable to join us in person for origami crane making, there will still be the opportunity to take part online. Tune in to Mansfield’s YouTube channel, from 2.30pm on Monday, to follow the instructions online.

Photography Competition

Send us your photo on the theme of ‘We Are Mansfield’, to enter our Community Week Photography Competition. Interpret the theme in any way you see fit, and send your photo, along with its title or caption, to before 9pm (UK time) on Tuesday 27 October.

The winning photos from the ‘alumni’, ‘staff’ and ‘student’ categories will be decided by a special guest judge, and announced at 11am on Thursday 29 October. The winning photos will be published in this year’s Mansfield Magazine.

Create your own College

Choose your medium and get creative. Build or sketch your own College and share photos of it with us at We’ll be sharing your creations on Mansfield’s social media throughout Community Week.

Hidden Mansfield

Do you know something about Mansfield’s history that most people don’t? Do you know of any secret passageways or features? Uncover ‘hidden Mansfield’, by sharing your stories or photos to

Community Quilt of Hope

In celebration of Mansfield’s community, students and staff are invited to send in images, words, song titles (anything that is in a visual format) that represent what brings you hope in these challenging times. Maybe it’s a single word, a nature scene, a particular song, a person…

To take part, please send your submission to Sarah Farrow, at, by Thursday 29 October, to be included in Mansfield’s digital Community Quilt of Hope Quilt.


If you have any questions about Community Week or Giving Day, please contact