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Remembering Mansfield in your Will

A powerful and transformative way to support Mansfield


Many generous alumni and friends have left a gift in their Will to protect and enhance Mansfield College’s values and ethos. With a gift in your Will of any size or scope, you can make your mark on Mansfield and ensure a world-class education is available to more people like you long into the future.

If you would like to discuss giving to Mansfield in your Will – in confidence and without obligation – please contact Verity Armstrong, our Legacy and Planned Giving Manager, at or +44 (0) 1865 270826.

If you have already left a gift in your Will, or are planning to, and wish to tell us, please let us know by completing the online Intentions Form below. We would be delighted to know so that we can thank you properly and offer you membership of the Sarah Glover Society, which recognises and celebrates all members of Mansfield’s community who have generously left gifts to the College in their Will.


Postal Intentions Form

“Education has the power to transform lives. It is the great leveller; whatever one’s family background or circumstances. Remembering Mansfield in my will is a way I can help ensure that the next generation has access to the best that higher education can offer.”

David Bailey (Jurisprudence, 1984)

How to list Mansfield College in your Will

When you include a gift to Mansfield College in your Will, it’s important to list the College using its full charity name, and also ‘UK’.

Please therefore use, or advise your solicitor to use, the following wording:

  • The Principal And Fellows Of Mansfield College In The University Of Oxford, UK
  • Registered charity #1143860

Types of legacies

There are a number of different types of legacies you could consider:

  • A pecuniary legacy allows you to specify a sum of money to give.
  • A specific legacy enables you to leave a specific asset such as property, works of art or shares.
  • A residuary legacy is a gift of all or part of your estate after other legacies and expenses have been paid.
  • A reversionary legacy allows you to leave assets to Mansfield College whilst giving a named person the benefit of them during his or her lifetime.

We recommend speaking to a solicitor for personal and confidential up-to-date advice tailored to your needs. They will ensure your intentions are clearly expressed and legally valid, and they’ll be able to advise you on any tax benefits in relation to your gift.

Tax-efficient giving

All gifts to Mansfield can be made in a tax-efficient way due to the University of Oxford having charitable status. There are several schemes available to help donors based in various countries to make tax-efficient donations.

More about tax-efficient giving