College News
Remembering Honorary Fellow President Jimmy Carter
29 Dec 2024
On 7 October 2020 – exactly 100 years to the day since women were permitted to matriculate and graduate at the University of Oxford – a bright and beautifully designed new exhibition was unveiled at Mansfield to mark 40 years since the College became fully co-educational.
The exhibition, which will be on display at College for all of this academic year on the corridor between the main entrance foyer and the Library, is a visual exploration of the history of women at Mansfield from the arrival of the pioneering first women for ministerial training in 1913; via the Bletchley Park women working at Mansfield as code-breakers during WWII; to our first cohort of undergraduates in 1979; to a large display profiling all of our women Fellows, boldly leading the way in varied fields; to Mansfield as the only Oxford college to have three consecutive women Principals; culminating with a lively celebration of all of the women of Mansfield today.
This is an engaging and honest display which marks the real commitment at Mansfield to foster an inclusive community based on equality and respect. We’re proud that today Mansfield seeks to be a college that champions opportunity and access to academic excellence for all.
Sincere thanks are given to Mr Jan Fischer (PPE, 1989) whose support enabled this exhibition, and to all of those whose contributions and research brought it to fruition.