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Annual General Meeting Agenda

Gaudy group photo
2 October 2024


Via Teams
  1. Welcome and Introduction
  2. Apologies for Absence
  3. Minutes of the previous AGM – 27 September 2023
  4. Notification of Items of Any Other Business
  5. Reports
    a. Annual MCAA Report (President and Secretary)
    b. Annual College Report (Helen Lacey)
    c. Annual Development Office Report (Tess McCormick)
  6. Student of the Year Award
  7. Election of Officers
    a. President
    b. Secretary
    c. Re-Election of Committee and Co-option of Any New Members*
  8. Future MCAA Programme/Activities/Committee Meetings
  9. Any other business

*Existing Committee: Dan Tarry (President), Becca Goodman (Secretary), Helen Lacey (College Rep), Natalia Brigagao, Shahenda Darwich, Adrian David, Lydia Felty, Miriam Kennet, Lucy Mahoney, Gerald Moule, Donald Norwood, Robert Porrer, Daniel Seiderer, Damola Shobowale and Mike Walton.

From Development Office: Tess McCormick, Ellie Hutson, Ex Officio: Helen Mountfield