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Mansfield People

headshot of Asima against the arched windows overlooking Mansfield College quad

Asima Qayyum

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Executive Assistant to the Principal

Asima Qayyum
Photo of Lynne by a tree branch

Lynne Quiggin

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Domestic Bursar

Lynne Quiggin
Headshot of Joel Rasmussen against bookshelves backdrop

Professor Joel Rasmussen

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Professorial Fellow in Historical and Philosophical Theology

Professor Joel Rasmussen
Photo of Shukria Rezaei with arched windows overlooking Mansfield quad

Shukria Rezaei

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Communications Officer

Shukria Rezaei

Lucinda Rumsey

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Supernumerary Fellow in English and Senior Tutor

Lucinda Rumsey
Headshot of Chris Salamone

Dr Chris Salamone

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Supernumerary Fellow in English and Tutor for Graduates

Dr Chris Salamone
Headshot of Alison Selvesen

Professor Alison Salvesen

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Supernumerary Fellow in Oriental Studies

Professor Alison Salvesen
headshot of Niamh

Niamh Scully

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Academic Officer

Niamh Scully
Headshot of Jason Smith

Professor Jason Smith

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Professorial Fellow in Materials Science

Professor Jason Smith
headshot of Emma Steane

Emma Steane

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HR Assistant (Operations)

Emma Steane
Photo of Jenn with her arms folded

Professor Jennifer Strawbridge

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Associate Professor in New Testament Studies

Professor Jennifer Strawbridge