Dear Eternity book cover


Dear Eternity: A declaration of war against the passing of time

Author: Muzzammil Khan

Alumni: Geography, 2020

Publisher: Self Published

Dear Eternity is a book of light and dark poems, which reflect the highs and lows of my life over the last decade. Accessible yet powerful, each poem is written from the soul and entirely unfiltered.

Towards the end of the book the poems become longer and more complex – intertwining themes of love, death, and nature to personify the passing of time.

I wrote Dear Eternity whilst studying at the University of Oxford to document my development as a poet and the consequences of blindly pursuing success.

I believe we all have an ‘Eternity’ in our lives, would you like to meet mine?

Follow Muzzammil Khan on social media: @muzzammilkh4n

Click here to purchase the book on Amazon

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